by Fiona likes to blog | Oct 4, 2017 | ANXIETY, BEAUTY, DEPRESSION
Look let’s not beat around the bush. Christmas is coming. Depending on when your reading this, it may be nearer than you’d like to admit. As I’m writing this in October, I’m aware that many of you are December Deniers. You’re refusing to accept that the festive season... by Fiona likes to blog | Sep 4, 2017 | ANXIETY, DEPRESSION
Gardens make me emotional The smell of freshly cut grass instantly transports me to the seaside caravan park where I spent the sunshine of my youth. My family spent every summer there soaking up the Scottish sun (there seemed to be more sunshine back then) in front of... by Fiona likes to blog | Aug 9, 2017 | BODY POSITIVITY
Make up free days are essential for self-care I haven’t always been an advocate of the make up-free life. I remember getting a compliment one day at work when I was in my ‘proper’ job. You know, the type of job that your parents are finally happy... by Fiona likes to blog | Jul 26, 2017 | ANXIETY
Introverts, this one’s for you. I’m sitting at my desk, home alone, with only the light of my laptop to light the room. Rain eerily taps against the open window and I suddenly realise that I’ve not spoken to anyone in about 12 hours. This might sound like the... by Fiona likes to blog | Apr 25, 2017 | Uncategorized
Is it just me or are the weekends getting shorter? It seems I can’t do anything other than fall asleep on the couch on a Friday night and before I know it I’m having my obligatory Sunday afternoon nap. I guess being over 30 isn’t as exciting as I...