STYLIST – What we must remember when we talk about work in 2020
COSMOPOLITAN – 11 women share the one thing that helps them overcome anxiety
FORBES – Freelancers: your vaccine against feast and famine
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING – How to spot a toxic friendship
HUFF POST – How to overcome shyness when it’s holding you back
DAILY MAIL – Ditch the 9-5 and be your own boss
PSYCH CENTRAL – The hardest part about living with depression
REFINERY29 – I’m not having kids because of my mental health
REFINERY29 – These 3 women beat loneliness and found their best friends online
WORKING FROM HOME WITH STYLIST – I share my expert tips on how to thrive whilst working from home
HASHTAG AUTHENTIC – I talk to Instagram legend Sara Tasker about staying happy and sane online
MENTALLY YOURS – Listen to me chat on the Metro mental health podcast about how I managed to plan a wedding whilst coping with anxiety and depression
MENTALLY YOURS – A whole episode dedicated to Depression in a Digital Age
WHAT I WISH I HAD KNOWN – Talking about the trials and tribulations of writing a book about mental health
THE CO-WORKING CLUB – Sharing my advice on freelancing. We talk about mental health, money and my book Out of Office
MENTAL PODCAST – How I attempt to set better boundaries on social media and why starting a blog helped me cope with depression
THE INFLUENTIAL WOMEN PODCAST – Talking to Nicki about the pressures of university, burnout and the importance of living authentically online
BETTER WORDS – The highs and lows of online life