by Fiona likes to blog | Dec 20, 2019 | BEAUTY
Sponsored post I don’t normally review beauty products, but since having my hair cut short and bleached ash blonde (read the full story with pics here) I have been in desperate need of a variety of products to keep my hair colour looking fresh. I was first... by Fiona likes to blog | Oct 4, 2017 | ANXIETY, BEAUTY, DEPRESSION
Look let’s not beat around the bush. Christmas is coming. Depending on when your reading this, it may be nearer than you’d like to admit. As I’m writing this in October, I’m aware that many of you are December Deniers. You’re refusing to accept that the festive season... by Fiona likes to blog | Sep 16, 2016 | BEAUTY
Moving to a new city comes with so much excitement. There are new restaurants and bars to visit, sites to see, friends to make and hidden gems to seek out. But finding a new hairdresser? Nah mate. I’m not up for it. I don’t need to tell you that the... by Fiona likes to blog | Jan 16, 2014 | BEAUTY
After the popularity of my Bleach London Shampoo post I thought it might be worthwhile reviewing another silver shampoo which I have been reaching for regularly. This Fudge Clean Blonde Violet Toning Shampoo was recommended by a friend and also by the lovely Kate at... by Fiona likes to blog | Nov 8, 2013 | BEAUTY
This was taken in summer 2012. It took me approximately 4 years to get my hair to this length after having is shoulder length for a few years as well as growing out a fringe. I had it like this for a year or so before I started to think maybe I should go short. This...