Look let’s not beat around the bush. Christmas is coming. Depending on when your reading this, it may be nearer than you’d like to admit.
As I’m writing this in October, I’m aware that many of you are December Deniers. You’re refusing to accept that the festive season is imminent, soaking up the the thick stench of Autumn and bathing in pumpkin spice lattes with Hocus Pocus playing on repeat in the background. I feel you.
I’m all about that Autumnal life. I live for that sweet season where it’s too warm to wear my Practical Coat but cold enough to buy new scarves, hats and boots. But here’s the thing – Jon Snow was right and Winter is coming.
I’ve written at length before about coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder over the colder months, as well as my general disdain for Christmas in general, but I can’t avoid that December is on the cards.
So what do those of us with anxiety do when something is worrying us? We prepare, goddammit and we prepare WELL. Say what you will about my mental illness but I really know myself, so now is the time for my ultimate self-care protocol to come into full effect.
We all know that January is all about a ‘new you’ (I can smell the bullshit diet books already) but I have a plan. I want to take all the sadness and disappointment that comes in the new year and I want to deal with it now, before it becomes overwhelming.
Dealing with things before they get out of hand is becoming my thing. I just set up a Facebook group called Get Stuff Done with Depression (if you have depression or even just feel unmotivated you should definitely check it out) which is really flourishing.

I realised that I’ve been heading towards this big mental barrier which occurs in December and January so I wanted to get organised. So that’s what we’ve been doing. I’ve created a Get Organised in October challenge which offers a tip every day of the month to help me and my group get on top of things. It includes everything from savings plans, to emails, to clearing out the cupboard under the sink. The best part is, we’re dealing with it before it gets out of hand.

Then I was invited to the Superdrug Christmas event where they showcased some of the new products they’ll be releasing for Christmas, and I just had to share the best ones with you. This is not sponsored, and I honestly hadn’t planned on doing a blog post about the event but I was just SO blown away by what they had on offer that I felt obliged to share it with you.
So here are some of this ways I’ll be taking care of myself in the lead up to Christmas to ensure I have a mentally stable holiday:
Take dem vitamins
I’m proud to say I’ve been following a plant based diet since January this year, but the one thing I’ve noticed is that my hair hasn’t been as healthy as it used to be. Maybe it’s the lack of animal products, or stress (or a combination of both) but it’s been starting to get me down. When I was offered these Hairburst Chewable Vitamins I was so chuffed, cause it’s really exactly what I’ve been looking for. Hopefully by January the breakage will have calmed down and I will be feeling a bit better about my hair.
Famous for nursing even the worst hangover, these Blackcurrant flavoured Vitamin C effervescent tablets are xx flavour and are a great little pick me up for those days when you’re low on energy. I’ll be knocking these back with my hair supplements and my usual daily dose of b12.
Treat those feet
It’s funny how in summer feet are out main priority (sandals don’t get much of an outing in the UK) and when Christmas comes we forget all about them. These treatment socks are doused in moisturiser and promise to keep your tootsies in tip top condition. Perfect for the party season too.
Flu jab
It’s bad enough if you suffer with mental illness over winter but to be struck down with flu as well is a total downer. It’s exhausting and can really have a knock-on affect to your mood if it takes a while to shift. That’s why I opted for the flu jab from Superdrug. Although it’s not guaranteed to stop you getting the flu it does help protect against the strains which are most likely to take hold this winter. I didn’t even know you could get the flu jab in Superdrug stores so check out if your local one offers it here.

Spruce up your make up bag
Now is the perfect time to invest in updating your make up bag before you blow your next pay check on Christmas presents for everyone else. I love the B. range which is exclusive to Superdrige and the Revolution range is always a favourite of mine. Did you know you can get E.L.F make up in Superdrug now too? It’s so reasonable and great for updating your colour range every season.
Time for a holiday?
If possible, schedule a little break away before the Christmas madness starts. I’m lucky enough to be having a week in the sun in October and I think it’s really going to help me through the winter months. Maybe get a long weekend away in a hotel or even stay with a friend to get a change of scenery. A walk along the beach even on a cold day does a lot for my mental well being so I’m really looking forward to soaking up some rays this month.
Are you prioritising your self-care routine this Winter?