by Fiona likes to blog | Oct 6, 2021 | ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, PODCAST
Jo Love is the author of ‘Therapy is Magic’ a guide to accessing therapy. Today she talks to Fiona Thomas on the Out of Office podcast. In this episode of the Out of Office podcast we cover Jo’s squiggly career journey from lawyer to business owner to trainee psychotherapist, why self-employment isn’t always the key to a healthy relationship with work, what therapy really is (and isn’t and some things to consider when you think about getting therapy.
by Fiona likes to blog | Feb 28, 2019 | DEPRESSION, Freelance
Routine isn’t one of my strengths, but I’ve changed my ways! Here’s how to create a freelancer schedule that works if you have depression.
by Fiona likes to blog | Feb 22, 2018 | ANXIETY, DEPRESSION
it’s like having a box of bandages ready for when you cut yourself. It helps you heal faster.
by Fiona likes to blog | Nov 10, 2017 | DEPRESSION
Thoughtful, appropriate and genuinely helpful gifts from I Can Cards.
by Fiona likes to blog | Oct 30, 2017 | DEPRESSION
The idea of spending 60 minutes sweating it out in a public gym with strangers is most people’s idea of hell on earth. The smell, the obnoxiously placed mirrors, the overly friendly personal trainers and then there’s the real stinger – having to...