by Fiona likes to blog | Feb 24, 2021 | BODY POSITIVITY, Freelance, WRITING
I get so many DMs from people who say they love to write, that they dream of starting a blog or writing a book one day. But when it comes to sitting down to do the writing, their brain tells them they don’t deserve it. That they couldn’t possible indulge in something that feels pleasurable….
So instead they torture themselves by wasting time scrolling on social media (the digital version of an angry fitness instructor screaming in your face, telling you that you’re unworthy) and they never allow themselves to step away and enjoy the thing they love the most; writing.
by Fiona likes to blog | May 12, 2017 | DEPRESSION
I never thought I’d be one of those people who would say fitness changed my life. But here we are. I’ve exercised almost every day for the past five years and I don’t want to imagine a life without it because it makes me so unbelievably happy. It all...
by Fiona likes to blog | Aug 1, 2016 | FITNESS, LIFE
If you follow me on Twitter you’ll have noticed my “in your face” updates about my recent foray into yoga. I’ve done it on and off for years and like bleaching your upper-lip hair or a visit to the dentist it’s one of those things you...
by Fiona likes to blog | Mar 6, 2016 | ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, FITNESS
I stared blankly at my to-do list. This list had been growing steadily for many months since my department had lost two members of staff and I had naively offered to pick up the extra work in a bid for praise, more money or a promotion – looking back I...
by Fiona likes to blog | Nov 25, 2015 | BODY POSITIVITY, FITNESS, FOOD, LIFE
I’ve used this blog as a way to document my health & fitness journey. I’ve focused a lot on losing weight because this has always been my primary concern, and I just assumed that everyone else was worried about that too. I know there are some people...