After the popularity of my Bleach London Shampoo post I thought it might be worthwhile reviewing another silver shampoo which I have been reaching for regularly. This Fudge Clean Blonde Violet Toning Shampoo was recommended by a friend and also by the lovely Kate at gh0stparties who both have luscious ash blonde hair, so I just had to give it a go.
I searched online and managed to get this 300ml tube for under £10 on Ebay, conveniently delivered to my door without having to visit a salon or department store. After feeling quite pleased with my Bleach London Shampoo I wasn’t expecting this one to be any better or different. However, I was amazed at the results I got from this product after the very first wash.
The shampoo itself is dark purple (hide your white goods!), and on application creates a lovely lather which you don’t always get with toning products. I used my usual conditioner, but when I came to style my hair it was noticeably softer and I can only put that down to the Fudge shampoo. Hydration is fantastic, but the real point here is to dull down brassy tones ain’t it? Well I can tell you that I have been using this every other day for 5 weeks and my hair is probably more ashy now than the day I came out of the salon!
My colour feels refreshed after every wash, looks brighter and cleaner as well and soft and shiny. Can a bleach blonde lady ask for anything more?
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