by Fiona likes to blog | Oct 4, 2017 | ANXIETY, BEAUTY, DEPRESSION
Look let’s not beat around the bush. Christmas is coming. Depending on when your reading this, it may be nearer than you’d like to admit. As I’m writing this in October, I’m aware that many of you are December Deniers. You’re refusing to accept that the festive season... by Fiona likes to blog | Dec 25, 2016 | DEPRESSION, LIFE
It’s Christmas day and everywhere, people are smiling. Children are grinning from ear to ear as they tear open their long-awaited gifts, and parents look on with pride, feeling accomplished after a long year of working hard to provide for the family.... by Fiona likes to blog | Dec 23, 2016 | LIFE
Christmas Day can be pretty intense. Even for the most outgoing person, the idea of being cooped up with your nearest and dearest for 12 hours straight with nothing but food, alcohol and polite conversation to pass the time can be a little daunting. For someone like... by Fiona likes to blog | Dec 8, 2015 | DEPRESSION, LIFE
Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? Well I’m trying my hardest to crank up the volume of my headphones as Sia blasts from my phone into my almost burst eardrums, but unfortunately yes, I am listening to the flipping sleigh bells ring. I walk aimlessly around... by Fiona likes to blog | Dec 28, 2013 | FOOD
If you’re looking for a high protein, paleo friendly brownie recipe then mosey on by, cause this ain’t for you! At this time of year we are often tempted with desserts and cookies at every corner, and normally I would dive right in only worrying briefly...