by Fiona likes to blog | Apr 12, 2017 | DEPRESSION
Getting sick is SO frustrating. You eat your veg and take your vitamins but sometimes the body can’t fight off infection without a few rest days. I don’t know about you I can’t wait until we’re all floating heads inside robot bodies (joke). As... by Fiona likes to blog | Aug 29, 2016 | ANXIETY, BODY POSITIVITY, LIFE
Lying curled up in a ball, crying, wondering what the hell you’re going to wear today because nothing looks good. Practically everything you own gives you the dry heaves when you think about ‘body image’. Β Jeans are too tight. Boobs are too saggy.... by Fiona likes to blog | Aug 3, 2016 | LIFE
Unemployment sucks. That’s how it seemed to me at first anyway; a hideous mind-fuck of the tallest order where you question your purpose in society, your ability to function on little money (or benefits) and wonder if you can survive eating cardboard for a few...