by Fiona likes to blog | Sep 23, 2016 | DEPRESSION, LIFE
Now is the perfect time for me to get pregnant. I’ve been with my partner for almost 12 years, we got married in 2015, we just moved to a new city where he’s got a good job and I work part time. Apart from owning our own house, we are in a good state of...
by Fiona likes to blog | Sep 14, 2016 | ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, LIFE
I ran a poll on Twitter asking how to deal with negative people. Overwhelmingly the response was ‘avoid them’. Pretty harsh don’t you think? Everyone’s allowed a good old moan once in a while; in fact I think it’s healthy to get your...
by Fiona likes to blog | Sep 12, 2016 | DEPRESSION, LIFE
I recently posted about my Self-care tips for when you’re depressed and whilst writing it I realised that it’s always with the help of my other half that I feel better. I’m not saying that you need a partner to feel good – not at all –...
by Fiona likes to blog | Sep 7, 2016 | ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, LIFE
I was going to name this Tips for introvert bloggers! But then I realised I don’t actually have any tips, and I haven’t yet figured out if the whole world of blogging is actually a good thing or a bad thing for introverts. Is it heaven or hell? Well first...
by Fiona likes to blog | Sep 6, 2016 | ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, LIFE
I’ve not realised until recently how important writing is to me. I’ve started doing it everyday, it’s definitely become a habit but an enjoyable and healthy one at that. I still have ongoing mental health issues and probably always will, but finding...
by Fiona likes to blog | Sep 5, 2016 | LIFE
I’ve spent all weekend procrastinating. I’ve consulted my list of blog topics which grows everyday and normally never fails to inspire me. I’ve read other blogs, spent hours on Twitter talking to strangers, been to see not one but two movies at the...