Wow we are truly moving into the end of 2023.

I’ve seen some major shifts in my life over the summer: I have my divorce paperwork all done and dusted, I finally moved out of my parents’ house and am renting a room in Glasgow. I own six plants! Will they survive the winter? Only time will tell.

Writing-wise, I’ve begun blogging again which has felt like an emotional release I didn’t know I needed. The thing about being self-employed is that a lot of the writing I do is either for a client, a publication, or rooted in marketing strategy in order to generate more sales.

But blogging, maaan, I forgot how much freedom I have on this platform to just say what I need to say. Write what is in my head at that exact moment, and publish it without needing to be positioned in a certain way, it’s so freeing for me personally and is also reminding me WHY I started writing in the first place.

If you’re new to these parts, you might not know that I started my writing career as a fitness blogger. After doing that for a year, I bit the bullet and started writing about my mental health.

Back in 2013, that was a scary prospect. I didn’t share my blog with friends and family for yearsssss because I was kind of embarrassed about being so vulnerable on the internet. But really, it was that vulnerability that taught me the therapeutic potential of writing, and it also led to my first book deal.

Anyway, I’m kinda feeling envigorated about writing which is perfect timing because I want to share 3 ways you can work with me on your writing over the next few months:

1. Join me for an afternoon writing retreat on Sunday 20th of August

Perfect for you if you’re looking for a one-off, creative burst to reignite your writing journey. Together I’ll take the group through a mix of journaling, fiction and poetry exercises interspersed with creative conversations and pep talks.

You might meet a buddy who you can continue to write with online, you might create something you’re really proud of, or get a brand new idea that you’re excited to get stuck into. Either way, you’ll leave with your creative cup full to the brim.

£111 or payment plans from £37

2. Sign up for 12 weeks of writing together on Zoom

My signature writing program Inspire Write Repeat is back for the final iteration of 2023! If you’re someone who struggles to make the habit of writing stick for any longer than a few days, this one is for you.

We log onto Zoom twice a week (although some people opt for just once!) and write together using fresh prompts or do a guided session where I teach you a new technique. This round also includes a free ticket to the retreat mentioned above, a 1:1 tarot reading and a chance to socialise with members.

£677 or payment plans from £67

3. Get 1:1 mentoring from me

For those of you who want my undivided attention, private mentoring offers me in your pocket for 3 months.

You’ll get 1:1 mentoring calls, goal-tracking spreadsheets and written feedback on your writing. If you’re ready to level up your writing, get in touch.

£1500 or payment plans from £500