If your GP has put you on a waiting list to see a counsellor then you should definitely see one.
Many people brush off the notion of talking as a form of medication , and just want to take pills and power through their illness until they feel ‘normal’ again.
Medication is great. Medication can help alleviate symptoms of depression in order for you to be a little more productive, take better care of yourself and attend important appointments.
But you may find that talking about your problems is the thing you need to fully resolve any ongoing mental health problems you have. If you think it isn’t going to work for you then ask yourself; what have you got to lose?
Talking to a counsellor is a process
If you physically recoil when you think about sharing ‘feelings’ with a stranger then this will seem like an uphill struggle from the start. I didn’t want to talk about my depression. It was mine, my burden and sharing it with others didn’t feel natural or helpful.
I learned over time that sharing my burden was a gift. The best thing is that your counsellor is an outsider.
They are not a family member who thinks you’re taking life too seriously. They aren’t a friend who thinks you’ve got nothing to be sad about. They aren’t an employer who thinks you need to knuckle down and get on with it. They are an impartial person with your best interests at heart.
I found my counsellor especially helpful during the phase when I was returning to work. She was able to give me answers to some of the questions that I didn’t have myself. Should I work full time or part time? What level of responsibility should I have? She also gave me the strength to stand up to my friends and stay away from alcohol when I was feeling the urge to abuse it.
Talking to a counsellor is awkward as hell
Everyone reacts differently to awkward situations. And if sitting down to tell a complete stranger about your inner turmoil isn’t the worst kind of awkward, then I don’t know what is.
Some people laugh, others chat nervously, but I sat in silence. Going into that claustrophobic room, crippled with anxiety and depression was the absolute opposite of what I wanted to do during that period of my life.My body downright rejected it and I had to force myself to enter.
I spent most sessions staring at the floor. I avoided eye contact. I gave one word answers. I said “I’m fine” constantly, to try and fool the woman into letting me out of the painful scenario. My muscles tensed to fiercely that I was physically exhausted from every session I completed. But I completed them.
You have to commit
As difficult as my weekly meetings were, I never missed a single one. Even when I felt like it wasn’t helping, or that it was making me feel worse, I kept going. I knew that this kind of treatment was hard to come by so I didn’t want to lose my place in the programme.
I slugged it out even when I didn’t want to. Part of being depressed means that a lot of the time you don’t have control over your actions, and you might not be able to show up every week. I get it. Sometimes leaving the house just isn’t an option.
But if you can find the will to go then I urge you to do it, and do it consistently. If you show up regularly – even when you don’t want to talk – it lets your counsellor take note of your mood and your ability to cope. This is all helpful information that can be used to track your progress, even if you feel like you’re not progressing much at the time.
You need to be honest
Having a mental illness is draining. You often walk around pretending to be OK for days, weeks or months at a time because you think it’s what you’re expected to you. You tell employers you can cope with extra work, you tell friends you’re happy on a night out, and you tell your partner your just having a bad day because you haven’t been sleeping well.
It’s a vicious cycle where you use so much energy putting on a brave face for everyone that you have no strength left to truly take care of yourself.
Talking to a counsellor is an amazing opportunity to actually tell the truth. Be totally honest. Tell them that you dread getting up in the morning, you hate your job and you don’t want to socialise with anyone. Tell them you can’t find enough hours in the day to wash your hair and match up your odd socks. In fact, these small tasks are so overwhelming that you sob uncontrollably at the thought of doing them.
Nothing bad can come from opening up about these thoughts. They are more than just thoughts. They are symptoms of your illness, and once you’ve got them off your chest I guarantee you’ll feel the benefit. Trained professionals understand them in a way that your friends and family might not be able to and that is an invaluable tool in your path to recovery.
Do you have any experience with seeing a counsellor?
My own experience isn’t great, I was only funded for 4 sessions which really wasn’t enough to build up a relationship where I could be honest. To go privately is too expensive for me at the moment as I don’t know what is happening with my job.
I’m sorry to hear that. Have you looked into online therapy? I hear it can be less expensive as it’s all done via Skype
I haven’t but it’s a good idea, thank you.
I´m always hearing people say seeing a counsellor is a good idea because of the reason that you mentioned, they´re an outsider. I think it could help the ¨counsellor seer¨ open up more than to their family member.
Yes, absolutely. It’s so helpful to talk to someone impartial, as they can see the facts and give you honest advice
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I saw a counsellor for a while for my social anxiety and personally had a very good experience. Yes it was awkward at times (I think that’s to be expected) but overall she helped me to turn my life around!
I’m glad you had a positive experience, I think it’s important to share them so that people aren’t put off doing it themselves.
Yeah, I hate that there’s still so much stigma surrounding it. I know not everybody has a good experience with it (which is fair enough) but no one should ever be made to feel weird about having therapy or wanting to give it a try.
Great article! As someone who works as a psychologist/counsellor my opinion is that usually the first session is the hardest for clients! It’s a counsellors job to be a neutral third party who can hear your deepest, darkest thoughts and still not judge you. Finding someone who you trust and who seems to “get it” or is trying to “get it” is so important. The people who come to my office to get help are some of the strongest, bravest people I have ever met!
Thanks for your insights! It’s great to hear from you point of view. Seeing a counsellor was really helpful for me
I see a clinical psychologist currently and find her very helpful. I’ve had low intensity CBT in the past and didn’t feel I was getting anywhere and started to feel a bit hopeless but you’re right to say stick at it, eventually it will help! Emily-Alice xx
That’s really interesting. I’d love to know more about your experience with CBT focused treatment. I’m actually hoping to do a few Facebook Live chats in the future if it’s something you’re comfortable talking about? Xx
Great insight as always. I left the house for a bit today and felt terrible. Just walking around tescos felt like such a challenge and the urge to self medicate with alcohol is always tempting but I’m steering clear and giving the pills the time to work properly. I love reading your blog for your honest and direct approach.
Well done for avoiding the booze, I’m so proud of you for doing that. Just got to take baby steps so you did amazing just getting out of the house! X
I live with my partner who suffers from depression, Its very hard to watch someone with this disease. Help and support for those that suffer as family/friends is also something that needs to be considered. How do you help someone (a man ) who refuses to address his mental health issues and pushes you away ?
I’ve not been in that position so it’s really hard for me to advise. Can you visit the doctor on his behalf and ask for advice?