1. The Multi-Hyphen Method by Emma Gannon
Although this book isn’t written exclusively for freelancers, it’s certainly a permission slip for anyone who is thinking about making the leap.
Emma Gannon talks alot about the rise of the side hustle and why everyone should have one, even if it’s just for fun.
I read this a few years ago before I had fully considered becoming a full-time freelance writer and it gave me a friendly nudge in the right direction. If I hadn’t read this book, I may never have dared to dream that starting my own business was even possible.

2. Company of One by Paul Jarvis
I’m only halfway through this book but I wanted to include it because I already feel like it’s shifted my mindset as a freelancer.
When you’ve been freelancing for a few years it can be easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you need to become a brand or a limited company to create a sustainable business model. This book refutes that idea, stating that staying solo is a sensible way to maintain flexibility as a freelancer.
If you dream of setting up multiple offices or managing a team then this book isn’t for you. But if, like me, you want to learn how to grow a business whilst working alone then this will definitely provide you with some helpful advice.

3. Hype Yourself by Lucy Werner
Outsourcing to a PR agency just isn’t an option for most freelancers.
Luckily, Lucy Werner has distilled her years of knowledge into a book which means that you won’t have to.
This book is incredibly practical, so prepare to fill a notebook as you work through the exercises and create to-do lists, boiler plates and lists of content ideas to promote yourself without ever needing to hire a professional.

4. Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port
The thing I loved about this book was the focus on figuring out the clients you want to work with. As a freelancer, I spent the first few years of my career saying yes to every and any piece of work that drifted my way. But Port encourages you to go through your current client list and be honest about who your enjoy working with and who you don’t.
He suggests culling the dud clients, which I’ve actually done. I’m not saying it was easy (farewell, steady income!) but it kick-started a whole new phase in my business where I’ve started tailoring my packages and marketing to attract the right people. The result? I’ve completely fallen in love with my work again.

5. Out of Office by Fiona Thomas
In my book about freelancing, I wanted to hold my hands up and admit that I don’t know everything.
But that’s kind of the point. If I can make a go of freelancing whilst flying by the seat of my pants, then you can too.
For example, I didn’t have business insurance until I was halfway through writing Out of Office, and I only fully committed after interviewing Dinghy about how their services worked. I address all the questions that you’ve been too scared to ask (can you claim coffee as a business expense?) and all the ones you didn’t think you’d ever have to (how do you cope with burnout?).
If you want even more behind-the-scenes tips on living the Out of Office life don’t forget to listen to my podcast.
What are your favourite books about freelancing? Let me know in the comments below!