Why Capitalism is Making You Tired

Why Capitalism is Making You Tired

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how hard it is to rest within the clutches of capitalism. The profit-driven nature of privatised consumerism means that prices are increasing which means I need to earn more money to live. As someone with mental and chronic illness, trying to address trauma and function as a single person going through divorce… I’m just tired.

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Case Study: Sue

Case Study: Sue

Sue has been in my life for the last few years, attending various writing workshops and cheering me on through Instagram. But last year, she reached out to work with me on a mentoring basis.

Recently, she offered to write down a testimonial for me and I wanted to share it so that if you’re thinking about working with me you can get an idea of what to expect.

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How to Romanticise Your Life

How to Romanticise Your Life

Whether you’re a student, a professional, working from home, living the single life or keen to romanticise your relationship, I think actively creating a life that gets you excited is possible for everyone.

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I’m a woman and I feel guilty, all the time.

I’m a woman and I feel guilty, all the time.

If I had to sum up the hardest part of my coming out experience, it could be encapsulated in one word: guilt. First off, I feel guilty that I've portrayed my coming out experience as a purely joyful event. Scroll through my Instagram feed from the last year and a half...

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3 Spiritual Books That Totally Transformed My Mindset

3 Spiritual Books That Totally Transformed My Mindset

I've always loved reading non-fiction, but to be honest I've always felt more comfortable reading about the scientific aspect or mental health. Living with depression and anxiety made me interested in finding ways to heal, but since having a bit of a spiritual...

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Here’s How Tarot Helped Me Find Myself After Divorce

Here’s How Tarot Helped Me Find Myself After Divorce

Forms of modern witchcraft have always fascinated me. I’d been tempted to seek advice from a psychic or tarot reader in the past but I was afraid of being laughed at, so I buried my curiosity with spirituality and sought help elsewhere.

But in the separation process, I reclaimed a huge part of myself that had been swallowed up in the identity of a relationship.

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A Guide to Self-Publishing Your Book [Guest post]

A Guide to Self-Publishing Your Book [Guest post]

You’ve got the idea, you may even have a full manuscript and you’re at the, “What the H E double hockey sticks do I do now? “stage. Firstly, take a deep breath. Inhale for four, exhale for six, and we’ll get through this together. My first self-publishing tip is this: Be realistic and define your version of success.

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Plan Your Solo Writing Retreat in Scotland 2022

Plan Your Solo Writing Retreat in Scotland 2022

Scotland writing retreats aren’t essential for writing a book, but they can be a way to make the writing process more enjoyable. As I’m a UK writer, I knew I wanted to explore some scenic locations in the country as part of my first solo writing retreat, so I was over the moon when I was offered to stay in Fort William for a few nights at an Air BnB. 

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